Over the past few weeks, we have found ourselves drawn back to this old video and face-to-face with the same question: do WE dare to rock what we got?

As an entertainment social enterprise that mainly produces in-person events, this year has been very existential for us. For this reason, we have spent months brainstorming ways to overcome the odds against us. Still, we’ve asked ourselves many questions like; should we surrender to our circumstances? Maybe hunker down and wait out the storm? Or do we dare cast aside our notions and make something new?

Do We Dare?

About four years ago, our company (known as We Spark Growth, LLC at the time) helped produce this video for the National Association of Women Business Owners, Minnesota Chapter. While the world doesn’t quite look the same as it did back then, the message still rings true.

Rock What You Got exists to elevate the voices of all women – Including BIPOC, non-binary, and transgender women. Moverover, we encourage everyone to be who they are, without apology or guilt.

Although we preach this message of self-love and acceptance, it’s a lot easier said than done. The truth is, we’re still finding our voice and learning how to best rock what we’ve got for ourselves.

Finding Our Voice

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times, we are “living in uncertain times” and uncertainty is inherently unsettling. Yet, regardless of whether we can host in-person events or not, the fact is, there are still voices out there that deserve to be heard. Besides, we’re not ready to give up yet!

So, in the face of uncertainty, do we dare to make our own path? Do we dare to have a new vision? Above all, do we dare to fight the voice inside of ourselves that tells us we can’t?


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