We’re Gonna talk about it Podcast
Episode 6: Sheroes among us

There are SHEroes that feed your imagination like Wonder Woman, SHEroes that give hope like Malala Yousafzai, and then of course there are SHEroes among us that contribute to your daily lives – essential workers! 

Episode six of ‘We’re Gonna Talk About It’ features some of the superheroes among us that have been risking their lives everyday during the pandemic. Essential workers Angie Haigh, Hospice Registered Nurse, and Sarah Salisbury, Receptionist for Secondhand Hounds are the amazing SHEroes of this episode.

Haigh tells her story on fighting on the front lines as well as her struggle with keeping her family safe at home, knowing the risk with her son who has a heart disease. She goes beyond to explain her painful experience with patients that had to deal with loneliness throughout the pandemic. Salisbury’s story started with asking herself “what am I gonna do?” and dealing with identity crisis as a creative. She also gives her take on how the creative industry has been hit differently from others.

How many of you have asked yourself this since the pandemic hit? Definitely a lot of you, right? And somehow, you’re still here, in this moment, living another day. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected the whole world in nearly every and any way possible. The superheroes that have been in the center, on the front lines, are actively risking their lives to help the world retain just a bit of “normalcy”.

Guest Spotlight: 

Angie Haigh is a Hospice Registered Nurse, former actor, and loving mother of 3.

Sarah Salisbury previously worked within live events and the theater industry pre-COVID. She is currently a Receptionist at Second Hand Hounds.


Here’s some ways you can help support essential and frontline workers today, thanks to the United Way of Central Florida (UWCF) for curating this list!

1. Make a sign for your window or front yard 

2. Be kind 

3. Share a message on social media 

4. Run errands or make a meal for the frontline workers in your area 

5. Email Congress  

6. Join a daily salute

7. Pledge your support to organizations responding to the COVID-19 crisis

8. Stay at home

Aside from these actions, you can read TIME Magazine’s on-going reports of frontline workers during the pandemic. It’s important that their stories are heard, that they are shared, and that they are being taken into account when making decisions that will affect the future of society.


Resources for CreativeS

If you’re an artist/creative in need of relief, support, etc., below are some local and national resources: 

Thank you to the daily superheroes that make a positive impact everyday for the better, especially the SHEroes. Tune into episode six and comment below who your superhero/SHEro is! Whether it’s a Marvel character, Michelle Obama, or your mother, shout them out and show your love! Remember, not all heroes wear capes.

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