by Buffie Blesi | Oct 2, 2020 | Mission and Community
Despite the growing uncertainty around the world, we want to bring some light into it. Rock What You Got is hosting an online silent auction fundraiser to support two causes near and dear to us – eliminating local food insecurities and preserving live events! CLICK...
by Buffie Blesi | Sep 2, 2020 | Events
On September 26th, make your way to spacious outdoor West End Market on the Minnesota State Fair grounds to enjoy a spectacular end of summer festival complete with live music, stand-up comedy, and shopping with local businesses! “We are all so much better when we can...
by Buffie Blesi | Aug 4, 2020 | Events
With no end in site to social distancing restrictions, are 2020 events a lost cause? It has been almost five months since we were forced to postpone one of our biggest events of the year – The Twin Cities Women’s Expo. Since then, we’ve been monitoring all the...
by Buffie Blesi | Jun 18, 2020 | Mission and Community
Listen up minnesota! They whisper it, but we do not hear. They clearly tell us, but we do not believe. They plead for understanding, and yet we justify our convictions. We see it with our own eyes, only to brush it away. They take to the streets, and we condemn the...
by Buffie Blesi | May 15, 2020 | Mission and Community
It’s Okay To Feel You Are Right! Yes, you! You are right to feel: Frustrated, Worried, Angry, Scared, , Confused, Depressed, Lonely, Broke, Displaced, Yearnful, Isolated, , Exiled, Uncertain, Detached, Lost, ...