We’re Gonna talk about it Podcast
Episode 4: Hepeating to herstory

Imagine you’re in a meeting and voicing out your ideas, opinions, concerns, etc. Evidently, it’s shut down only for a man to repeat your exact words and receive praise for it. Does this sound all too familiar? Folks, let me introduce (or reintroduce) you to Hepeating. The notion of Hepeating HERstory is indeed a constant trend throughout history/HERstory which must be stopped, so let’s talk about it.

Hepeating is “when a man appropriates your comments or ideas and then is praised for them being his own.” Significantly, having the honor of a Minnesota HERstory Guru for this episode is perfect! Sara Given of the Anoka Country Historical Society joins us to go over HERstory made in MN. If you want to hear about how women’s ideas and inventions are constantly stolen, appropriated, hidden, etc. then tune in!

Guest Spotlight:  Sara Given, Volunteer Coordinator from the Anoka County Historical Society.

Given gives us the deal on how impactful Minnesota women are, and truthfully, have ALWAYS been. Within this episode we discover many stories, like Theresa Ericksen’s. As an army nurse, Ericksen wanted to be buried in the old post cemetery at Fort Snelling, but was declined. Of course, her impetus was the force behind a petition to designate a national cemetery. Consequently, it was legislated in 1937, and Ericksen got her wish, rightfully so. Buried in Fort Snelling in 1943, her headstone reads “Army Nurse Corp.”

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Theresa Ericksen in her uniform with medals.

What Can We Do About It? 

Women are capable of anything! We fight, we dream, we inspire, we persevere, etc. through all the odds. Although we are capable of strength, do we have to always be fighting? Do we have to always be pushing to get what we deserve? Absolutely not! Granted, most people don’t realize or acknowledge the little issues like Hepeating that happen everyday. Now, let’s talk solutions.

There are plentiful ways for you to stop Hepeating, and to show up for each other as women in the workplace. 

For instance, you can increase the number of women in the room and back each other up. Some of the most simple steps towards eliminating Hepeating is amplifying women’s voices, celebrating women, and encouraging women! Surely, just listening to women is a start. It sounds easy, but listening skills are surprisingly tough to learn and actively practice. Start with these little steps, and you’ll see how impactful they are. With this in mind, think about how can you show up for women in general, and even outside of the office! Collectively, we can all apply these actions to our lifestyle to uplift women and end the normalization of Hepeating.

As a matter of fact, We’re Gonna Talk About It plays directly into these roles of supporting, and amplifying women and their voices. Certainly, by listening to this podcast you’re celebrating these women and honoring their story. Now, tune into episode four and let’s get to celebrating!


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